Tuesday 14 April 2015

Trip 04; Day 06; Iluka Main Beach

Tuesday 14/04/2015
Light Rain overnight. Woke up with a peaceful caravan park with sparse grey nomads here and there. No screaming kids this morning - that's for you Cindy & Peta. Decided to drive to Main Beach and let Ryan try surf fishing into a breezy southerly wind. He tried a couple spots whilst Amy & Amanda walked along the beach. He then tried fishing at the end of Maradowie Rd, then Arris Island. Amy took photos of the Pelican she was stalking. Amanda Amy & Ryan went to the IGA and Les enjoyed a nice home ground coffee and enjoyed the quiet. Amy bought a carimba. Yes you will have to ask her what this musical instrument is & how to play it!! After lunch we just lazed around the van. Amanda & Les went for a walk along Beach Rd to the North Wall and then climbed up onto Moriarty's Wall and headed to the Marine Rescue. We woke Ryan up and Les & Ryan tried fishing at the Iluka Marina which was sheltered from the wind. They then tried the Beach at the Western End of Moriarty;s Wall. At dark they gave up. The bread Amanda had lent them got smashed by a wave so now there is no bread for Toast in the morning. The seagulls and Pelicans thanks us for the feed.

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