Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 3: Barcadline to Wanora Downs

Wednesday 27/06/2012 Day 3: Barcadline to Wanora Downs

Rained over night.  Managed to pack up before it rained and we were off at 7:50.  Passed through Longreach and looked at the School of the Air and Qantas Museum from the car because it was raining heavy. Our first phone coverage since Roma was 50km either side of Longreach. At Ilfracombe we saw the Machinery Museum. Had a pit stop at #358 Chorregon Rest Area to change drivers. On to Winton where there is no rain it was like a dust bowl!!! Top fuel up and stop for lunch.  Went into the Searle general store in the main street.  Amanda forgot John's relation's name and was to shy to say hello.  Saw the Bango Patterson Memorial and had lunch at the bakery and on our way. Drove through some road works and arrived at #364 Wanora Downs Rest Area at 14:00. We were the first one's there, so we picked our spot and set up. It was in the middle of nowhere between Winton and Kynuna. Overnight there were 4 caravans and 2 cars. When the road trains went passed the earth moved. 

Day 3 Stats:
Distance: 392km, Duration: 6hrs 10mins, Weather: Mixed. Wet start, Dry Finish

Searle General Store

Leaving Winton

Wanora Downs

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