Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 4: Wanora Downs to Mt. Isa

Thursday 28/06/2012 Day 4: Wanora Downs to Mt. Isa

Woke up this morning and there was heavy mist and thick fog. The southerly wind turned it into rain.  Packed up again in the rain!!! Amanda to drive and made our way to Kynuna. Didn't take long to pass through Kynuna not much there.  Next stop was Mckinlay where the Walkabout Hotel is.  Had a quick look and took some photos and went to the toilet near the Council Library. Had some morning tea.  Off to Cloncurry. Topped up fuel at Cloncurry at the Caltex  a lady come out and filled the car for us she was very nice.  Went and parked around the back of Woolies and had lunch in the park. Arrived at Mt. Isa at around 14:00 and went straight to Caravan Park and set up.  Used the caravan mover to back the camper between two caravans. Went straight to the showers and cleaned up. Did some washing and bought Macca's for the kids dinner.

Day 4 Stats:
Distance: 388km,cDuration: 6hrs 4mins, Weather: Mist/Fog Start, Dry Finish - Cool Overnight

Leaving Wanora Downs
Walkabout Hotel McKinlay

A big truck misses a caravan

Entering Mt Isa

1 comment:

  1. Still within the grips of civilisation, I see, if you're supping at McDonalds.

    A petrol station that isn't self-service?!?!!! I hope you took a photograph!

    I should have asked you to say hello to Roma from me as you drove through, I grew up there.

    Well, the weather forecast - for down here, anyway - is cold and dry for the next week, I think. A big high-pressure system. So maybe we'll see a day without rain logged here soon.
