Thursday 31 December 2015

Trip 5: Day 6: Tourist Day Townsville

Thursday 31/12/2015
We woke up at six thirty because we slept in. We had intended to have an early start. We quickly ate breakfast and set off. We explored Kissing Point the salt water pool looked inviting. We then drove along The Strand to the railway yards where we found a Caltex and filled up. We then went to the Townsville entertainment center and then bought tickets to the crocs verses hawks basketball game. We  then parked in Stokes street and had a look around flinders street and the information center. Ryan and Les went to the bait and tackle store on the south side of the river and got some tips on land based fishing in Townsville. Amy and Amanda looked around flinders street. We then went to Castle hill and looked around. Amy and Les did the loop walk. We then went to Harvey Norman, Jb Hi Fi, Tackle world and BCF. Ryan picked up a new landin net and replaced the lure Les lost. We then went to the Cowboys Leagues Club and had a lovely lunch. We then came back to the caravan and Ryan and Amanda went fishing while Amy attempted to upload photoes. We then got dresses and parked the car new Woolworths and caught the bus to the TEC. We had a lovely meal of handmade pies and homemade sausage rolls. Our seats in the nose bleed section were great. Unfortunately Townsville were beat. Our bus was late so we watched the fireworks from the car as we drove along The Strand. We popped into the Bottle-O with the locals and now we are bringing them a new year. It's 26 degrees and everyone is grumpy.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Trip 05: Day 05: Homehill to Rowes Bay: 09:00 to 10:30

Wednesday 30/12/2015
This morning we woke up and the sun was shining. Amanda and Les set off to the toilets as the kids slept in. Les met a friend who was about to go in the shower named Yosef, who was a hitchhiker heading southwards. Amanda and Les went back and put the Kettle on. Whilst sitting at the table located outside of the van, Yosef came over and had a chat. Amanda offered him a cup of tea, but he was distracted by the lady feeding her chooks across the road. Then while enjoying our cup of tea, a Burdekin council worker gave an insight to some great weather apps for up north. When the kid got up we had a picnic breakfast. We proceeded to back up the van and left Home hill at 9:00 to head to Townsville. Amanda drove the full hour and a half with the first tailwind of the trip. Our GPS didn't show the new overpass to Abbot street, but we managed. Amanda went through a hand held radar and a speeding camera. The GPS took us through the city center to our home for the next couple of nights at Rowes Bay caravan park. Amanda expertly backed the van into the site. We set up, we now have power and water for the first time. Ryan and Les went for a fish in Mindy creek. Ryan tried out his new cast net and Les lost one of Ryan's nice and expensive Barramundi lures. We then jumped in the car to find a Kmart for power boards and an electrical kettle. Got supplies for dinner and went back to the park. This is the third night Ryan has been able to find the Big Bash.


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Trip 05: Day 04: Homebush to Homehill: 0755 to 1215

Tuesday 29/12/2015
It rained since we arrived at the General Gordon Hotel here at Homebush. The pressure pump must have gone off overnight because the toilets no longer flushed. Ryan made freinds with a white dove which slept out of the rain on our clothesline under Ryan's bed, he left Ryan a white feather. The rain slowed down in time to allow us to pack up. We followed Bert's advice and went through Eton had a toilet stop at Marian. We drove in rain to Proserpine where there were heavy showers. It was a boring drive from Bowen to Homehill. We saw a big watermelon, mango and pumpkin. We are here at the right time because there are spaces left at the comfort stop. In winter it's full before 12md. The toilets and showers here are great. The showers give you 5 minutes and then 5 minutes wait time before you get water again. We had good look around town Amanda and Amy loved the IGA. It has stopped raining now at 1800. We are not looking forward to the forecast for the trip up North. Amy is looking forward to washing her hair at the Caravan park tomorrow.

Monday 28 December 2015

Trip 5: Day 3: Marlborough to Homebush Qld: 0900 to 1500

Monday 28/12/2015
Last night was fun. After witnessing the fruitbat colony circle our van and fly off looking for food they defecated everywhere, causing the backpackers to move their van. It didn't affect the french tourists beside us. We pre-ordered the pizza from the pub menu for dinner and they hand delived it our van at the back of the pub. It was very nice and filling. Les and Ryan went over to the pub and watched the Big Bash the barmaid kindly chang ed channels for them. Amanda and Amy went to the showers and Amy wouldn't have a shower until Amanda put a very tiny frog into a paper sanitary bag with a tiny hole in the top, because it was jumping in the shower. Once the showers were finished Amanda put the frog back into the shower. While walking back to the van Amanda and Amy had to dodge many toads which they found disgusting. After we finished updating the blog we turned the lights out and heard a wild pig running and snorting around the van. At 4:22am this morning a downpour started that lasted till 8 o'clock with some heavy squalls. We had a good sleep in and when the rain paused we packed up the van. We were delayed because we had to relocate 7 tiny green frogs from the van. We then headed off to Sarina and we had a good look around, visited woolies, had a picnic lunch at the information centre and then headed off to Homebush. We arrived at Homebush and set up and it has been raining ever since. We left Malborough at 9:10 and got to Homebush at 3:00.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Trip 05: Day 2: Eli Waters to Marlborough Queensland: 0900 to 15:30

Sunday 27/12/2015
Today after spending Boxing Day with Amanda's family at Hervey Bay we woke up to heavy showers. After waiting for the showers to clear we said our fond farewells to Cindy's and Peta's triplets. We left at 09:00 and topped up diesel at the Caltex Harvey Bay on Boat Harbor Dve and headed northwards. Les drove 2 hours and 30 minutes to Miriam Vale where we stopped and had crab sandwiches, which were yummy. Amanda took over driving and drove a boring 2 hours to the United Fuel Station just past the big Bull round about at Rockhampton. After Les tied the mirror to the bull bar, he then drove through some heavy showers past our original rest stop at Yaamba to the Marlborough Hotel that Bert recommended. we arrived at 15:30.