Tuesday 29 December 2015

Trip 05: Day 04: Homebush to Homehill: 0755 to 1215

Tuesday 29/12/2015
It rained since we arrived at the General Gordon Hotel here at Homebush. The pressure pump must have gone off overnight because the toilets no longer flushed. Ryan made freinds with a white dove which slept out of the rain on our clothesline under Ryan's bed, he left Ryan a white feather. The rain slowed down in time to allow us to pack up. We followed Bert's advice and went through Eton had a toilet stop at Marian. We drove in rain to Proserpine where there were heavy showers. It was a boring drive from Bowen to Homehill. We saw a big watermelon, mango and pumpkin. We are here at the right time because there are spaces left at the comfort stop. In winter it's full before 12md. The toilets and showers here are great. The showers give you 5 minutes and then 5 minutes wait time before you get water again. We had good look around town Amanda and Amy loved the IGA. It has stopped raining now at 1800. We are not looking forward to the forecast for the trip up North. Amy is looking forward to washing her hair at the Caravan park tomorrow.

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