Monday 28 December 2015

Trip 5: Day 3: Marlborough to Homebush Qld: 0900 to 1500

Monday 28/12/2015
Last night was fun. After witnessing the fruitbat colony circle our van and fly off looking for food they defecated everywhere, causing the backpackers to move their van. It didn't affect the french tourists beside us. We pre-ordered the pizza from the pub menu for dinner and they hand delived it our van at the back of the pub. It was very nice and filling. Les and Ryan went over to the pub and watched the Big Bash the barmaid kindly chang ed channels for them. Amanda and Amy went to the showers and Amy wouldn't have a shower until Amanda put a very tiny frog into a paper sanitary bag with a tiny hole in the top, because it was jumping in the shower. Once the showers were finished Amanda put the frog back into the shower. While walking back to the van Amanda and Amy had to dodge many toads which they found disgusting. After we finished updating the blog we turned the lights out and heard a wild pig running and snorting around the van. At 4:22am this morning a downpour started that lasted till 8 o'clock with some heavy squalls. We had a good sleep in and when the rain paused we packed up the van. We were delayed because we had to relocate 7 tiny green frogs from the van. We then headed off to Sarina and we had a good look around, visited woolies, had a picnic lunch at the information centre and then headed off to Homebush. We arrived at Homebush and set up and it has been raining ever since. We left Malborough at 9:10 and got to Homebush at 3:00.

1 comment:

  1. Toads *are* disgusting.

    I quite love the rain so I envy you that; none down in Brisbane.

    I trust you will continue to enjoy your holiday!
