Monday 4 January 2016

Trip 05: Day 09: Tourist Day Mission Beach

Sunday 03/01/2016
Got up and went for a nice walk along the beach. Had breakfast and then visited the popular markets next door where Amanda picked up some mangoes and lychees to replace the exploding watermelon. We then drove into Tully and had a look around. The IGA store was owned by relatives of one of my work colleagues. We then drove down to Tully heads where Ryan tried fishing at the boat ramp. A family coming back in on their boat kindly gave Ryan all their fresh bait. We came home had lunch and Ryan tried fishing out the front with a small mullet on a ganged hook rig. At 3pm Ryan and Les left Amanda and Amy under the trees on the beach and tried the boat ramp at Clump Point. Ryan picked up a black tipped shark. One of the locals not impressed with all the tourists muttered "i cant wait till february when i get this place back to myself". We had a nice feed of mackerel from the fish n chip shop. The chinese restaraunt has been closed for 2 years. We watched the T20 on the laptop on the caravan steps. For the first time it was raining in Brisbane not here!

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