Wednesday 6 January 2016

Trip 05: Day 11: Mission Beach to Homehill

Tuesday 05/01/2016
Woke up and it was warm already. Some backpackers had already scarpered before Doug could get them. Handed the shower key and said goodbye to Doug. We drove through Cardwell and stopped at Ingham. Had a walk around town and enjoyed homemade cakes at the Majestic Cafe, they were very good. On the motorway ring rd through Townsville passed the Army base.
Drove onto Ayr gees it was hot, lunch at Subway and frozen cokes from Maccas then back to old Homehill. We got here after 3pm but it was still hot.
Lots more people here, noisy buggers in a white falcon station wagon with a passenger door that wont close banged the door all night. They finally left about 3am banging the door as they left.

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