Sunday 7 April 2013

Trip 2: Day 06: Tourist Day Armidale

Sunday 07/04/2013: Tourist Day Armidale

Not as cool overnight as we expected, but we prepared with jumpers, beanies & "trackie dacks" in case. We woke up to the pleasant noise of a race horse being exercised across the road at the Race Course. We leisurely ate breakfast and left to go to the Monthly Farmers Market next door to the Information Centre. we had good look around - there was lots of nice things. We then took Ryan to Dumeresq Dam on the outskirts of Town. He tried to catch Redfin, Trout & Carp, instead just lots of black flies. On the way back to the car Ryan encountered a Red Belly Black snake - he kept Amy back from walking any further &  remembered to remain calm, on the advice from the Reptile Park we visited in Alice Springs last year. Les saw the snake return back to the Dam. We then followed the Waterfallway east out of town out to Wollomombi Falls. The drive into the falls was pretty, through a dip, past a house and across a cattle grid.We walked to the two lookouts then had lunch. The long drops were odourless due to the solar powered extraction fans. We headed back into town. Back at the van a little storm hit and gave us a sprinkling of rain and finished with a rainbow. There are a few more vans here now - they must be reading our blog!!
It's great to back on Qld time.

At the Car Wash
Toilet Block on the RHS
 Farmer's Market

 Dumaresq Dam - Les is putting the line in for Amy (NSW Fisheries Inspectors)

 Sheep running away from Ryan - not Leycesters Rest W.A. (Day 28 last trip)
 Wollomombi Falls

 Gee Ryan is Tall!

 Amy relaxing after being first one to the lookout.

 Ryan throwing rocks into the Gorge
Autumn Colours

 The Rainbow after the Storm

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