Tuesday 9 April 2013

Trip 2: Day 08: Armidale to Tenterfield

Tuesday 09/04/2013: Armidale to Tenterfield

Well for a change we woke up to Armidale Fog. We packed up in damp conditions. Amanda had the first drive this morning. We passed through the small towns of Guyra, Glencoe (Les had visited the original one in Scotland in 1991) where we stopped at Glen Innes for a pit-stop and driver change. The road from Glen Innes to Tenterfield passes through some steep hills - but the road is good. The scenery was nice. We arrived at Tenterfield and made our way down to Miles St to the show-grounds  We parked away from the Grey Nomads who are all down near the river. There are large lizards/skinks at the causeway and cotton-tail rabbits running around on the other side of the river. We headed into the Main St of Town. We picked up a local map at the Information Centre - the lady was a lot of fun. We walked down Main St heading North and dined at "The Famous Pie Shop". We looked at the Tenterfield Saddler but sadly was closed for Renovations? We completed a lap of the Main St but found every 2nd business was for sale? We drove to the largest cork tree in Australia. Watch out for the pot bellied Shetland pony next door. When we got back to the show-grounds Ryan tried fishing without luck. The facilities are OK, there are 12 caravan/camper-vans here, probably all Qld'ers because NSW are still at school, they are on holidays next week.
The town clock chimes on the hour and the sound is quiet pleasant.

Glen Innes
 Main St Tenterfield

 Tenterfield Saddlery
 Closed for Renovations

 The largest cork tree in Australia

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