Monday 8 April 2013

Trip 2: Day 07: Another Tourist Day in Armidale

Monday 08/04/2013: Another Tourist Day in Armidale.

Very cool overnight. We woke to a foggy morning visibility down to 100 metres!. We headed into the Information Centre for our Pre-booked Heritage Tour of Armidale. We arrived at 09:30 for our 09:45 appointment - the bus leaves at 10:00. Well the Tour got our thumbs up - the 2 and 1/2 hours passed very quickly. We enjoyed the Cathedral, Railway Museum and the University of New England. Some advice - don't be late or answer a phone on the bus. We wandered around town after lunch having a closer look at the sights pointed out on the bus tour.

Armidale Fog

 Tour Bus
 Court House
 St Peters Cathedral

 Catholic Church across the Road


 Beardy St Mall
 Monument to the 1st (2 1/2 hr) Sermon from the Anglican Bishop

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