Sunday 2 September 2012

Day 67: Fraser Range Rest Area to Caiguna BP Roadhouse.

Thursday 30/08/2012 Day 67: Fraser Range Rest Area to Caiguna BP Roadhouse.

It was 4 degrees C at 07:00 this morning. We were by ourselves as all the grey nomads had parked well away, they must know we have children. We headed off towards Domblegabby Rest Area. We got to the BP Balladonia Roadhouse at Morning Tea. We topped up at $1.93c/ltr and had a look at the Museum. We saw the pieces of Skylab and a piece of the Mundrabilla Meteorite. Changed over drivers and Amanda started down the 90 mile straight. We drove through a shower and arrived at our designated stop. The Rest Area looked like an abandoned Service Station and was missing the long drop? We decided not to go back to the Baxter Rest Area and continued on. We pulled into the Caiguna BP Roadhouse and decided to stay on an unpowered site round the back. The powered sites have quickly filled full of grey nomads. Ryan & Amy caught up on some school work. Ryan & Les went looking for metallic rocks and only found old car wrecks. It has cooled quickly again after the sun went down at 17:15. This is our 2nd day across the Nullarbor.

Daily Stats: Distance: 300km, Duration: 4hrs30min, Weather: Showers, Windy & Cool.

Salmon Gum
 Amy Art
 Stainless Long Drop

 Wow is fuel that expensive?

 Don't park here!
Yes it rains on the Nullarbor
 Caiguna Roadhouse

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