Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 77: S.A./N.T. Border Rest Area to Mt Conner Rest Area.

Sunday 09/09/2012 Day 77: S.A./N.T. Border Rest Area to Mt Conner Rest Area.

There were 3 caravans, 2 campervans & 2 vehicles camped overnight. The sky was so clear I am sure we saw all of them, the Milky Way was outstanding. We packed up amidst finches and headed off up the Stuart Hwy into the N.T. We topped up fuel at the Erldunda Roadhouse where there were many tourists getting ready to head into Uluru. Lasseter Hwy is a let down after the Stuart Hwy. We drove the 140km to the Mt Conner Rest Area. We are the only ones so far to set up camp overnight. This place is sure busy with cars stopping all the time to take photos of Mt Conner. After school work Ryan & Les went up the red sandy hill to the lookout and found a Salt Lake to the North of the road. They walked through the grass and found dingo prints & scat from wallabies. The lake is huge with little whirl winds everywhere. They followed a dirt road back to the hwy. At sunset Amanda, Amy & Les climbed up the hill to get photos, Ryan is busy finishing off his Maths. There are now 2 other vehicles camped here overnight. The long drop is a bit whiffy from all the Tourists who have stopped here during the day.

Daily Stats: Distance: 241km, Duration: 2hrs45min, Weather: Sunny, a slight Breeze & Mild.

S.A./N.T. Border Rest Area

 Mount Conner


 Salt Lake

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