Thursday 6 September 2012

Day 73: Port Augusta to Bon Bon Rest Area.

Wednesday 05/09/2012 Day 73: Port Augusta to Bon Bon Rest Area.

The wind blew all night until just before 03:30 where it paused then changed direction. Les went outside and checked everything was still there. He could hear a bucket flapping under a car but couldn’t find it. We then had a few drops of rain about 05:00; that just wet the dust that covered everything. A man a couple of caravans over retrieved his bucket from under our neighbours LandCruiser’s fuel tank. We packed up amidst some drops of rain and headed up the Stuart Hwy. There was an extreme North-Westerly headwind that was there all the way to our stop. We topped fuel up at Spuds Roadhouse at Pimba, had a pit-stop and driver change. Amanda drove the rest of the way to Bon Bon. It is very windy here; we had to park the car & van facing into the wind. We passed a pipe line, rail-line & some dry, salty Lake beds on the way here. All the windows are open in the van to allow the wind to pass through and not blow the top off the van. We have put pegs into the hard ground to hold the ropes tied to the Boat Rack on the roof. We are waiting for the forecasted drop in the wind speed this afternoon. It didn’t happen till late evening.

Daily Stats: Distance: 381km, Duration: 4hrs33min, Weather: Sunny, Extremely Windy & Mild.

Port Augusta

 Find the red bucket
 Across Spencer Gulf through the dust to the Ranges on the Eastern side.

 Spuds Roadhouse, Pimba

 Dust blowing across the Stuart Hwy.

 Why would you drive like an Anchor?
 Bon Bon Rest Area
 Wind Tunnel

 Look at the dirt from last nights wind & early morning rain drops.
 Ryan reading the "Hunger Games" on Kindle for PC

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