Wednesday 19 September 2012

Day 86: Devils Marbles to Avon Downs.

Tuesday 18/09/2012 Day 86: Devils Marbles to Avon Downs.

It was warm overnight with a soft orange glow to the south from the bush fires. We woke up early and prepared to leave when the resident dingo turned up looking for scraps. We packed up and headed off to Tennant Creek. We topped the fuel up and headed to the right hand turn home. We headed along the Barkly Hwy and topped up again at the Barkly Homestead fuel was 13cents higher than last time at $1.999c/ltr. We arrived at Avon Downs with 4 vans already parked at 14:15. It is hot 35 degrees C at 17:00.

Fuel Consumption: Barrow Creek Roadhouse to BP Tennant Creek:
Distance: 235km at 17.32l/100km
Fuel Consumption: BP Tennant Creek to BP Barkly Homestead:
Distance: 216km at 14.03l/100km

Daily Stats: Distance: 520km, Duration: 6hrs22min, Weather: Sunny with a hot NW breeze.

Sunrise Karlu Karlu (Devils Marbles)

 Tennant Creek

 Heading North on the Stuart Hwy
 Right Turn to QLD

 Avon Downs Rest Area
 Police Station across the road (Barkly Hwy)

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