Saturday 15 September 2012

Day 81: Tourist Day Kings Canyon.

Thursday 13/09/2012 Day 81: Tourist Day Kings Canyon.

The whole family was up early. The wind had picked up through the night. We ate in darkness and headed off at 06:15. Amanda & Amy dropped Ryan & Les off at the Kings Canyon Carpark at 06:30. Les & Ryan headed off on the Kings Canyon Rim walk, 6km, estimated 3-4 hours duration. Amanda & Amy headed off to do the Kathleen Springs walk 2.6km return, estimated 1.5 hours duration. Amanda & Amy were the second group there at 07:00 and completed the walk all by themselves. They saw several species of birds and thoroughly enjoyed their early morning walk. Kathleen springs were pretty and the walls of the Kathleen Gorge were impressive. They sat at the end of the walk and enjoyed the wildflowers at the side of the path. They arrived back at the Kings canyon Carpark at 09:00. Les & Ryan had just completed their walk. The first part of the Canyon Rim walk is strenuous. Les stopped 3 times on the way up. It feels like you have reached the top when there are more steps. Walking through the weathered sandstone domes makes you feel you are at ground level because they are so high – until you look over the edge! Ryan & Les enjoyed Cotteril’s Lookout and the stairs/bridges across the Garden of Eden. They stopped for a quick snack & drink at 07:30. The walk down to the waterhole passes some impressive cycads. Back up the stairs/bridges to the southern side of the canyon. The back half of the walk is nice passing dry waterfalls at Kestrel’s where they had another drink and snack and then slowly winding down past the Sandstone domes to the Carpark. The walk took 2.5 hours going slowly and carefully. Today is much cooler it is 18 degrees C at 10:00. We rested this afternoon and Amy is still Sick since Monday.

Daily Stats: Distance: 86km, Duration: 4hrs0min, Weather: Sunny Windy/Mild Evening.

Kings Canyon Rim Walk

Kathleen Springs Walk

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