Sunday 2 September 2012

Day 68: Caiguna BP Roadhouse to Jilah Rockhole Rest Area.

Friday 31/08/2012 Day 68: Caiguna BP Roadhouse to Jilah Rockhole Rest Area.

It was 4 degrees C at 06:30 this morning. We were the only ones on an unpowered site overnight. There was a heavy dew on the van and ground but the sun was quickly drying it out. We packed and left Caiguna driving with a North West breeze behind us but we still had a poor fuel economy? We filled up at the BP Cocklebiddy Roadhouse at $1.954c/ltr. We changed drivers just before Madura. The landscape changed as we dropped down past Madura with the ridge on the northern side of the road and the plain to the Southern. There were 2 RFDS landing strips along this stretch of road between Caiguna and the Jilah Rockhole Rest Area. We also noticed the Hwy changed colour several times alternating between black & a red/brown colour. There were many dead roos and some very large Eagle’s that don’t move off the carcass as you pass. There was less Road-trains today than yesterday. There is a gentle breeze and not 1 cloud in the sky. Ryan & Amy are doing school work again after lunch. It’s quiet dusty here and the long drop requires the aid of a stick to beat the flies off and make room for the next person. Amanda tried to shoo the flies with Glen20 – minimal success. Ryan & Les went looking for metallic rocks but only found camel, roo & emu footprints. They also saw wallabies, emus and a black headed olive/brown snake that was sunning himself on a gravel road. This is our 3rd day across the Nullarbor.

Daily Stats: Distance: 270km, Duration: 3hrs21min, Weather: Sunny, Windy & Mild.

Hyland Hitch after 14570km's
 Caiguna Roadhouse

 Cocklebiddy Roadhouse

 Jilah Rockhole

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