Sunday 16 September 2012

Day 84: Tourist Day Alice Springs.

Sunday 16/09/2012 Day 84: Tourist Day Alice Springs.

It was warmer overnight only 9 degrees C. We had an early breakfast and headed off to the Alice Springs Desert Park. The weather was beautiful, no breeze and only 26 degrees. We wandered up to the Amphitheatre and watched the Nature Theatre Presentation. The birds on display were galah, magpie, barn owl, frogmouth, thicknee, falcon & a whistling kite. We had morning tea and then went to the Aboriginal Culture Presentation. The presenter informed us on the local people, how they survived 30,000 years in the same area, how they controlled their population and genetic diversity, how they hunted, how they annually moved about their designated area using fire to rejuvenate the land. He stated that the aboriginal can’t return to their old way of life unless we remove feral plants, feral animals and stop mining. He explained the concepts of hunting & gathering and men’s & women’s business shouldn’t mix. We then had lunch, caught up on washing and headed back to town. We visited the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame located in the old gaol opposite Reptile Centre. The displays were very informative; life was tough for the early pioneer women. Amanda & Amy found it very interesting and wished they had more time to view all the information on display. The gaol had been left original and the kids found the cells interesting. There were some old photos left on the notice boards in some of the cells and one had a mural painted on the wall. We topped up fuel and supplies and headed back to the Tourist Park

Daily Stats: Distance: 37km, Duration: 8hrs0min, Weather: Sunny.

 Escaping Gaol

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