Saturday 22 September 2012

Day 89: Jericho Community Rest Area to Boyne River Rest Area.

Friday 21/09/2012 Day 89: Jericho Community Rest Area to Boyne River Rest Area.

Last night our neighbours had a domestic in a foreign language – interesting! It was warm overnight. We had butcher birds turn up for breakfast this morning. We headed off very early and had our first stop at Emerald for fuel, we wandered around town till we found the public toilets hidden near the library, and it’s a pretty town with lots of plants. We had lunch at Duaringa, which was full of grey nomads. We then drove around Gladstone looking for fuel and topped up at a Caltex in an industrial back-street – thanks Google. We passed the smelter and power station and beautiful blue water. We finally arrived at the Boyne River Rest Area – full of grey nomads taking up all the good spots. This place is like resting next to a freeway, traffic passing all night and lots of cars pulling up to use the amenities.
Fuel Consumption: Caltex Winton + 1 x 20ltr Jerry Can to Shell Emerald:
Distance 611km at 13.14l/100km
Fuel Consumption: Shell Emerald to Caltex Gladstone:
Distance 386km at 13.01l/100km

Daily Stats: Distance: 642km, Duration: 9hrs22min, Weather: Sunny, Hot & Humid.





 Boyne River Rest Area

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