Sunday 2 September 2012

Day 69: Jilah Rockhole Rest Area (W.A.) to Nundaroo Hotel/Caravan Park (S.A.)

Saturday 01/09/2012 Day 69: Jilah Rockhole Rest Area (W.A.) to Nundaroo Hotel/Caravan Park (S.A.)

The wind whipped up early this morning about 02:00 shaking the van. We got up early and packed up and set off at 07:35 (WST). We filled up again at the Mundrabilla Roadhouse and headed for the border. We climbed up through Eucla and drove through the border village and then stopped at the lookout. We continued on and had a driver change before the Nullarbor Roadhouse where we filled up at $2/ltr again. We were fortunate today to get fuel at the Nullarbor Roadhouse; the lady behind the counter had visited the Whale Centre the previous day. We then went to the Head of Bight Whale Centre and was lucky enough to see 15 Southern Right Whales and their new calves. We had to dodge the shinglebacks & snakes driving out of the Whale Centre Marine Park. We carried on and arrived at the Nundaroo Roadhouse at 15:48 (CST). We are here with 3 other vans on a undefined powered site. There was 1 toilet working in a shared room with a shower. This our 4th day across the Nullarbor.

Daily Stats: Distance: 450km, Duration: 6hrs43min, Weather: Sunny, Windy & Mild.

W.A./S.A. Border

 Make room!
 Lookout past Border Village

 Nullarbor Roadhouse

 Head of Bight Whale Centre

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