Sunday 15 July 2012

Day 16 Howard Springs to Merl Campground Kakadu National Park.

Tuesday 10/07/2012 Day 16 Howard Springs to Merl Campground Kakadu National Park.

It was a very early start for Les. I had registered with AusPost Online to receive an email that the Jayco parcel had arrived at 05:00 at Darwin. Drove in with Ryan at 06:30 to Darwin arrived at the GPO at 07:00 picked up the parcel and back at the Howard Springs Caravan Park at 07:45. Packed up the Camper and headed out at 09:15. It was a slow leisurely drive behind a truck carrying 2 water buffalos. We took 3 hours to drive to Merl Campground. After setting up camp with the 400 million mosquitos, we decided to go for a drive and look around. We visited the Upstream Boat Ramp, Border Store & Downstream Boat Ramp. The fishing was temporarily suspended for a funeral. We competed with the 4 large crocodiles at the Downstream Boat Ramp. They won. There were large schools of Mullet being chased by Barramundi who in turn were being eaten by the Crocs. They are not shy. They were happy to be 5-8 metres away ignoring our lures and eating the fish. We gave up fishing and attended the Ranger talks at Ubirr. We enjoyed the Rock Art and watched the sun set over the wetlands.

Daily Stats: Distance: 337km, Duration: 4hrs, Weather: Very, Very Hot

 Cahills Crossing
 Fishing with Crocs

Sunset at Ubirr

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