Monday 23 July 2012

Day 25: Big Horse Creek Campground to Lakeside Tourist Park Kununurra.

Thursday 19/07/2012 Day 25: Big Horse Creek Campground to Lakeside Tourist Park Kununurra.

We got up early and packed quickly as we squeezed passed the grey nomads who parked in front of us. We saw our first Jabiru with a flock of Cockatoos drinking water at the side of the road. The drive to the WA border passed the Pinkerton Range. It’s big. Our border crossing was uneventful, we had no contraband. They were very thorough. They checked the fridge and pantry inside the van and the front boot. They also checked the car fridge. It took about half an hour. We wound our watches back 1hr30min to WST. The drive form the border to Kununurra was pretty quick. You can’t book sites in the Caravan Parks, it’s just first in. We pulled up outside of town at the Information Spot and called around. Amanda got us in the Lakeside Tourist Park on Lily Creek Lagoon. Amanda backed the van into a tricky spot first go. The group of old men watching her were astonished. We were just proud. We set up and went for a look around.  We went to the; Visitor Center, Lion Park, Diversion Dam, Packsaddle Rd, Celebrity Tree Park, Ivanhoe Crossing, Kellys Knob Lookout and finished off at Coles & BP where the price of fuel is pretty expensive at 1.799/ltr. The kids had another swim before Tacos for tea.
Daily Stats: Distance: 221km, Duration: 3hrs30min, Weather: Warm, Cool Nights

Kununurra Lakeside Resort
Diversion Dam

 Celebrity Tree Park
  Ivanhoe Crossing
 Kelly's Knob

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