Wednesday 25 July 2012

Day 31: Tourist Day Broome.

Wednesday 25/07/2012 Day 31: Tourist Day Broome.

Today was a sleep-in day. We parked in Town and walked around. We visited the Pearl Luggers, Sun Cinema, Shell House and Streeter’s Pier. Amanda & Amy dropped Ryan & Les off at the Broome Pier for a fish. We were unable to catch any fish today but we were able to see a yellow sea snake and a turtle. Ryan was bitten off twice by something quiet large. We were using whole mullet on 3 x 3/0 ganged hooks on a 100lb trace. Amanda & Amy visited the Boulevard Shopping Center. It was very busy, it took them ages to find stuff and get through the check out at Woolies. We are now stocked up for the next week. The prices here in Broome are very expensive. Ryan’s shoes have fallen apart after fishing at Willies Creek. Amanda was lucky to find a shoe in size 12. We have enjoyed being in Broome and watching the Camels passing by every day.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 73km, Duration: 8hrs0min, Weather: Hot, Mild Night

Pearl Luggers

 Streeters Pier


 Carnavon St

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