Sunday 29 July 2012

Day 32: Cable Beach Caravan Park to 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park.

Thursday 26/07/2012 Day 32: Cable Beach Caravan Park to 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park.

After a very windy night we left Cable Beach at 08:00. The wind was blowing from the East all the way to 80 Mile Beach. Mileage today was ordinary. We queued up for fuel at the Sandfire Roadhouse with the Peacocks. You have to pay before you can move away from the bowser and people were ordering food at the same time we were trying to pay for fuel. The staff were flat out. The Roadhouse had adequate pumps but the two queues (Lefties & Righties) were back to the highway. Lucky we were in the right queue. We then travelled to the 80 Mile turn off. The dirt road in to the caravan park was fine. We travelled at 50km an hour and didn’t break any eggs. The caravan park is in a beautiful place. We arrived at 13:30. Ryan & Les got to fish at 14:30. The beach was full of fishermen in both directions. The cloudy milky water is good for salmon. Amy collected 1 tonne of shells, she will need to prioritise the shells coming home to Brisbane. Amy called 80 Mile Beach “Shell Paradise”.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 386km, Duration: 5hrs30min, Weather: Hot, Mild Night

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