Monday 23 July 2012

Day 27: Kununurra to Leycesters Rest Area – Ord River.

Saturday 21/07/2012 Day 27: Kununurra to Leycesters Rest Area – Ord River.

We got up early and headed with a cross wind towards the Bungle Bungles. We drove through the Carr Boyd Range to the East and the O’Donnell Range to the West. We crossed Bow River and the turn off to the Argyle Diamond Mine. We found the single lane bridges interesting especially for the Road Trains!. We passed the turn off to the Bungle Bungles – all camp sites are full. We pulled up at a free site on the Ord River called Leycesters Rest Area. It’s a large area with wild Braham Bulls wandering through. Ryan tried to impersonate Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee. The Bull stomped the ground, struck the ground with his left hoof and lowered his head to charge. Amy screamed. Amanda was wearing Red. Ryan & I moved quickly away. Cool overnight. PS You will need your own toilet seat for the long drop.

Daily Stats: Distance: 266km, Duration: 3hrs15in, Weather: Warm, Windy, Cold Night

Ord River
1600 Quarter Pounders
 Ryan's Bull
 Looking for Ryan

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