Sunday 15 July 2012

Day 18 Merl Campground to Gagudju Lodge Cooinda.

Thursday 12/07/2012 Day 18 Merl Campground to Gagudju Lodge Cooinda.

Packing up this morning was dangerous. I hope none of the mossies has HIV+ because a million of them bit us. In fact we imported the Merl mossies to Cooinda in the car & van. We picked some supplies and fuel at Jabiru only 4 cents dearer than Darwin. We had phone coverage so we checked email & made a few calls. We then visited the Bowali Visitor Center. Amanda picked up some souvenirs. We then made our way to Cooinda. Amanda did 2 loads of washing and we topped up on water – we are on an unpowered site, there is no Internet here. The washing dried very quickly. We visited the Warradjan Cultural Center and looked at the boat ramp at Yellow Waters where we saw a family of Feral Pigs grazing in the swamp. Ryan and Les tried fishing at the pontoon at the boat ramp behind the lodge. The fishing guide is booked up till Sunday!! The Kids swam in the pool and the park has filled up over the afternoon.

Daily Stats: Distance: 110km, Duration: 3hrs25min, Weather: Very, Very Hot, 40C

Walk to the loo at Merl

Bowali Visitor Center

 Spot the Feral Pigs
 Filling Up

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