Thursday 5 July 2012

Day 6: Mt Isa to Barkly Homestead.

Saturday 30/06/2012 Day 6: Mt Isa to Barkly Homestead.

Woke up early and emptied the portaloo for the first time at the caravan park dump point. We packed up the camper in 1 hour, our 1st time leaving a Caravan Park. We weren’t allowed to make noise until after 08:30. On the road at 08:54, drove along the Barkly Hwy through some beautiful country. Arrived at Camooweal around 11:00 driver change, iced-creams ($23 for 3 & a box of tissues) expensive pit stop. Wound our watches back ½ hour. Just across the border Ryan noticed the roads were different from Qld. We travelled on a dirt road bypass for 20 minutes. Had lunch at Avon Downs and arrived at Barkly Homestead at 15:00. A quick fuel top up cost $1.87/ltr. We managed to get a drive through site, as the place quickly filled. We had power, laundry $4 a load, water and hot showers. $20 deposit for the key and don’t leave it in the toilet!. The place was sunny and very windy. Hamburgers for dinner on the Aldi BBQ, slushies for the kids cost $4.50 each and 9V batteries were $11.50. Amanda needed an interpreter for the lady serving behind the counter.

Daily Stats: Distance: 469km, Duration: 6hrs, Weather: Sunny

Packed up at Mt Isa
View from the Van

Across the NT Border

Barkly Homestead

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