Sunday 15 July 2012

Day 17 Tourist Day Merl Campground Kakadu National Park.

Wednesday 11/07/2012 Day 17 Tourist Day Merl Campground Kakadu National Park.

Last night was hot and then we looked for the doonas at 02:00. At 04:00 they came off it was 25 degrees at 06:00. We got up early to get to the Guided Ranger Walk at Bardedjilidji. We followed the guided walk from 08:00 to 10:15, it was fantastic. We saw rock art, sandstone pillars, lots of plants, learnt what food was good to eat, a couple of caves and learned a lot about the history of Kakadu.  We fished for 1 hour at the Downstream Boat Ramp. We had lunch and a siesta till 15:00. We then went on another walk at Manngarre this lasted 1 hour through the monsoon rain forest. Amanda & Amy went on the Women’s business walk, you will have to ask them what they saw. We let Ryan fish for another hour competing with 7 crocodiles. and a family from Alice Springs. We braved the showers and found if you leave the water running when you undress, wash & dress the mosquitos leave you alone. Tourists need to learn to leave the lid down on the toilets otherwise your bum gets eaten.I had bought fly screen for the car trip at Gunlom and this has come in handy. We taped the screen over the outside of the van door and also have one for inside the van. We have had few mosquitos get in. The noise outside the screen windows is unbelievable. If they got in they would carry us away.

Daily Stats: Distance: 30km, Duration: 6hrs30min, Weather: Very, Very Hot

Guided Walk at Bardedjilidji

 Cahills Crossing & Crocs again

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