Wednesday 25 July 2012

Day 29: Fitzroy Crossing to Broome.

Monday 23/07/2012 Day 29: Fitzroy Crossing to Broome.

It was cold overnight 6 0 C at 06:10. Amanda rang Broome as we were leaving to see if we had success being on the waiting list at Cable Beach. There was 1 vacancy. We drove in 2 hour shifts and had a pitstop at the Roebuck Plains Roadhouse. I noticed the caravan mover we use at home was touching the left hand wheel. We heard a bang about an hour earlier but thought it may have been a bird. The mover is no longer held in place by the location drive. I used tie wire (thanks Darren) to pull the mover back off the wheel and we carried on.  The toilet at the Roadhouse was through the bar and the toilet seat had green tree frogs inlaid in it. We are in a Caravan Park that has 500+ sites.. We are at 446A which is a long way from the beach. Amanda had to back the van over a kerb but managed to get the van in ok. We set up and went in to town. At the Broome Information Center  the notice board showed there were no vacancies at any Caravan Park. We went to the Dept of Fisheries at Broome Port and picked up the free fishing brochures. We then fished at Entrance Point on the low tide. Ryan picked up a nice bar-Tailed Flathead and a Beagle stole my prawns.  Ate Macca’s and watched the sun set over the water whilst sitting on Cable Beach.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 462km, Duration: 5hrs10min, Weather: Warm, Mild Night

Fitzroy River Lodge
 Fitzroy River
 Cable Beach Caravan Park

 Entrance Point
Bar Tailed Flathead

 Cable Beach Sunset
 Give me a Chip. The evil stare.

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