Sunday 29 July 2012

Day 34: 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park to West Peawah Creek Rest Area.

Saturday 28/07/2012 Day 34: 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park to West Peawah Creek Rest Area.

Les drove the 10km out of 80 mile beach without breaking an egg or popping a drawer. We drove with a severe tail wind. We averaged 12.5ltr/100km towing the van at 90km/hr. We passed several mines and headed into Port Headland for lunch. We passed the Rio Tinto Salt Plant – we had a nice view from the overpass. We drove along the esplanade and ended up at the boat ramp. We had sangger’s & left over Birthday cake for Lunch. We all enjoyed using the automatic toilet. You press a button to enter, you have 10 minutes to finish your business, the toilet flushes after you wash your hands and the toilet plays nice elevator music whilst you are occupied. The song “What the world needs now is love sweet love” is an interesting selection for a toilet. The kids played with the BHP bronze crocodile. Amanda & the kids went into the Boulevard Shopping center & picked up some supplies. Ryan needed Graph paper for his Maths homework. Amanada is unhappy paying $4.59 for a loaf of bread at Woolies. We saw more Roadtrains this drive than the last 2 weeks. The Rest Area had 9 caravans here before we arrived at 2pm. The long drop has no seat, just a steel pedastal  and we have parked upwind.  The children managed to spend the afternoon finishing school work. The grey nomads appear to be setting up for a big party tonight.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 358km, Duration: 5hrs50min, Weather: Very favourable tail-wind, Mild Night

Windy 80 Mile Beach
 Port Headland

 Musical Loo
 Notice Backpackers stealing Electricity in the Background
 Salt Mine
 West Peawah Creek

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