Tuesday 31 July 2012

Day 35: West Peawah Creek Rest Area to Robe River Rest Area.

Sunday 29/07/2012 Day 35: West Peawah Creek Rest Area to Robe River Rest Area.

Amanda drove today. We found a dead cow on the side of the road on the other side of the bridge where we camped overnight. We didn’t hear any Road-Trains hit it? We passed more mines again as we headed to Roebourne. We visited the Roebourne gaol which doubles as the visitor’s centre. We topped fuel up at Roebourne and headed to Point Samson for fish & chips. We passed the new jail on the way. To the west we could see the Cape Lambert Iron Ore processing facility it’s huge. The fish & chip shop was shut and the wind was blowing a gale. We headed to Karratha. It has a K-Mart!! We updated the blog whilst we had Internet. Karratha is undergoing lots of development with high-rises going up in town. On the road out of Karratha here are lots of mines to the North of the Hwy & the workers accommodation camps are to the South. We noticed pretty flowers on the side of the road there were the Sturt Desert Pea & the Green Bird Flower. 10km from the Rest area Amanda drove around a bend and a Road-Train flicked up a rock that cracked the passenger’s side windscreen, another thing to fix. We arrived at the Rest Area at 15:00, there were already 8 Caravans set-up. Amanda backed the van into a nice spot upwind of the long drop. The ground is red powder about 1 inch deep. We have a red floor & the mats outside have changed colour.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 361km, Duration: 7hrs10min, Weather: Very favourable tail-wind, Cool Windy Night


 Point Samson

 Sturt Desert Pea
 Green Bird Flower

 Robe River

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