Sunday 15 July 2012

Day 19: Tourist Day Gagudju Lodge Cooinda.

Friday 13/07/2012 Day 19 Tourist Day Gagudju Lodge Cooinda.

Les succumbed to the dreaded bubbling belly. Amanda took the kids to Nourlangie and climbed to the lookout and visited the Art Gallery. Amanda found another friend, a little European man asked Amanda about yams., she explained they were like potatoes and he did not believe her This a very busy Caravan Park. Ryan tried fishing at the pontoon at the boat ramp behind the lodge again. The Kids swam in the pool with the grey army and the park has re-filled up over the afternoon. The road to the Jim Jim Billabong scared the pants off Amada & the kids so they turned back. They passed another lookout but had enough of lookouts

Daily Stats: Distance: 106km, Duration: 3hrs, Weather: Very, Very Hot, 40C

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