Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 37: Burkett Rd Rest Area to Exmouth Cape Holiday Park.

Tuesday 31/07/2012 Day 37: Burkett Rd Rest Area to Exmouth Cape Holiday Park.

Les drove today. We enjoyed the changing scenery along Burkett Rd. As we turned north towards Exmouth we passed loads of sheep grazing by the side of the road, lots of lambs too. We passed the RAAF base at Learmouth. As we were 10km’s from Exmouth a truck passed us on a straight and flicked a rock up which put a 10inch crack on the driver’s side windscreen. Now there is nothing to fix just a new windscreen. Rang Insurance company, then the glass company and we have booked in for a replacement windscreen at Geraldton next week. I hope the windscreen lasts that long. There are no windscreen repairers between Exmouth and Geraldton. The local repairer has to ship the part from Perth and we will have already moved on. There are no powered sites in town and no sites available at the Cape Range National Park. We are on the 2nd last unpowered site left and the last site was filled at 19:30 tonight. Amanda caught up with Washing but it’s a bit humid here and the washing has not dried completely. There is rain forecast tomorrow afternoon. We had a look around and found a good place to fish at the marina. Picked up supplies at IGA – still $4.50 a loaf of white bread. We are fishing tonight on the high tide and off to Cape range tomorrow. All the glass bottom tours are booked out. We have had to book ahead for the next 5 days to secure accommodation. Still on unpowered sites.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 172km, Duration: 2hrs10min, Weather: Warm, Night Warm

Aspen Exmouth Cape Holiday Park
Our level site (thanks Hyland Hitch)

 Exmouth Marina
A sailfish was caught here!!
Could be fish here?
Here looks good Dad!

 Town Beach

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