Monday 6 August 2012

Day 42: Edaggee Rest Area to Denham.

Sunday 05/08/2012 Day 42: Edaggee Rest Area to Denham.

Cooler overnight, It was just 10 degrees C at 06:00. There was lots of condensation on the car and inside the van. Crack has only moved 0.25cm overnight. Ryan’s bird woke us up at 05:00 with his calling (sounds like a rusty weather vane).We passed the 26th parallel twice! once on the Hwy and once heading into Denham. The drive today was very pretty, we had yellow, pink and purple wildflowers on the side of the road. The caravan park at Denham has a great view of the ocean. Ryan and Les tried fishing for whiting but the onshore wind (SW) made it difficult. Amy and Amanda had a quick look around but most shops were shut. Got noisy drunken backpackers next to us but the grog won at 21:00 and they quietened down. Excited about seeing the dolphins tomorrow.

 Daily Stats: Distance: km, Duration:3hrs4min, Weather: Warm & Windy, Night Pleasant

Lives in the garden next to the water taps.

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