Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 38: Tourist Day Exmouth, Cape Range.

Wednesday 01/08/2012 Day 38: Tourist Day Exmouth, Cape Range.

Last night Ryan and Les fished at the Exmouth Marina. Ryan caught 6 Butter Bream, 1 Skat & 1 Yellow Fin Bream. It was very warm overnight and there was condensation on the Windscreen. The crack has moved 1 more inch towards the passenger’s side. We were able to book the car in for a service in Perth. Geraldton was all booked out so we couldn’t get all the jobs done at the same time. We drove to Tadabiddi Beach where we caught 2 yellow fin bream and were visited by the Fishery Inspectors. Ryan landed a fish as they were talking to us. We then drove to Yardie Creek and had lunch at the Gorge. It’s pretty where the Gorge meets the Beach. We completed the Nature Walk and then drove to Bloodwood Creek where we saw wallabies drinking at a water hole. We then went to Turqoise Bay where the kids had a swim. We had a look at the Lakeside Caravan Campsite (7 sites max). On the way back we went up to the lighthouse lookout. What an Impressive view. Topped up fuel ready for tomorrow. Ryan & Les fished the Marina again. They caught 20 Bream, 1 eel tailed catfish and several other unidentified species. Ryan caught a Bream well over 30cm.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 285km, Duration: 7hrs30min, Weather: Warm, Night Warm

 Tadabiddi Beach
 Full Car Park at the Boat Ramp
 Yardie Creek Gorge

 Turqoise Bay
 View from the Lighthouse
 The infamous "Crack"
 The West Australian Yellow Fin Bream - one of many!

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