Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 59: Coalmine Beach Walpole to Middleton Beach Albany.

Wednesday 22/08/2012 Day 59: Coalmine Beach Walpole to Middleton Beach Albany.

It rained overnight. We had a branch hit the car yesterday as we drove along the Knoll Scenic Drive then early this morning a large branch hit the boat rack on the roof of the van. None of us slept well in the rain & wind; luckily we tied the van down again. We packed up in between showers and drove along the South Coast Hwy towards Albany. It rained & blew all the way. We passed through Denmark and moved on. We arrived at Albany, it’s a big town. Lots of roundabouts! We set up in between squalls & showers; it’s nice to be on a slab instead of dirt. We followed the tourist drive up to Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence – what a view. We drove down to the port and up York St (did a couple of laps!). We then went out to Emu Point to look at the boats. Albany is quiet spread out. Amanda caught up on our laundry. The kids enjoyed playing in the Rec room.

Daily Stats: Distance: 121km, Duration: 2hrs0min, Weather: Rain, very windy & cold.

The Branch



 Mt Clarence
 Middleton Beach
 Brig Amity
 Town Harbour

 York St

 Emu Point

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