Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 55: Tourist Day Wellington National Park.

Saturday 18/08/2012 Day 55: Tourist Day Wellington National Park.

We slept in till the sun appeared through the smoke & fog. At 07:30 it was 6 degrees C in the van. The kids enjoyed having a fire last night, except for the smoky clothes! We drove down to Busselton and walked along the jetty. We weighed up the options $5 for a day pass to walk to the end and back or $75 to get a train ride & go into the underwater observatory. We decided – wait for it, on the $5 option. We had a lovely lunch on the foreshore near the Jetty. We then drove into Bunbury, picked up supplies at Woolies, fuelled the car at Woolworths Caltex and drove up to the lookout. The kids enjoyed the lookout, someone had thrown a can of white paint from the top into the carpark below, I guess you could call it art? We went to the Dolphin Discovery Centre but it was closed just like the Penguins at Rockingham. The mangrove boardwalk runs a close second to the one at Wynnum. The kids started another fire and we ate hotdogs and toasted marshmallows.  The Australind Scouts have camped here overnight – nothing like loud, excited boys running around a campsite with a flashlight.

Daily Stats: Distance: 229km, Duration: 3hrs15min, Weather: Fog, Smoke, Sun, Cold


 Like seagulls fighting for the last chip!

 Mangrove boardwalk

 Wellington Dam

 Another fire

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