Thursday 9 August 2012

Day 44: Denham to Galena Bridge (Murchison River) Rest Area.

Tuesday 07/08/2012 Day 44: Denham to Galena Bridge (Murchison River) Rest Area.

It was warm overnight. Then there was RAIN. This was our first real rain since Wanora Downs on Day 3. We waited in between showers to pack up the van as the rain came in from the South-West. It rained on/off all the way to Mary Springs. Unfortunately we had to give Shell Beach & the Stromolites a miss. We had a quick pit-stop at the Billabong Roadhouse. The landscape changed as we left Shark Bay and headed to the Shire of Northampton. We started seeing Eucalypt trees. The drive through Mary Springs takes in fields of green crops & white wildflowers. The Rest Area here is huge, there are 30 Caravans on the Southern side of the river. In between showers Ryan caught 6 Spangled Perch in the River next to where we are parked. It definitely feels cooler here. We have got out the winter clothes and Les is wearing a beanie again.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 304km, Duration: 4hrs0min, Weather: Rain, Wind, Night Cool

 Shell Beach

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