Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 58: Forest Grove National Park to Coalmine Beach Walpole.

Tuesday 21/08/2012 Day 58: Forest Grove National Park to Coalmine Beach Walpole.

It rained overnight. We packed up in the rain & mud. We drove slowly up the gravel track out of Chapman Pool. We had an enjoyable drive along Stewarts Rd & the Vasse Hwy in heavy rain. We drove through Pemberton and missed the Gloucester Tree turnoff. We set the van up in showers and headed off to the Valley of the Giants. We were lucky that there was a break in the weather long enough for us to do the Treetop Walk. We all enjoyed the Ancient Empire Walk. The receptionist at the Caravan Park gave us a map of a scenic drive, so we followed the instructions to get back from the Treetop walk. We got to the Circular Pool along a muddy track and set off down the 500m walk to the pool. The kids got 30 metres ahead when the rain let loose. We ran back to the car and said we’ve had enough. Back at the caravan park, the kids have showered after 4 days in NP’s and no longer smell like “smoked ham” as Ryan calls it.

Daily Stats: Distance: 232km, Duration: 3hrs15min, Weather: Rain, Windy & Cold.

Goodbye Chapman Pool

 Vasse Hwy

 Valley of the Giants - Tree Top Walk

 Mine beat yours

 Ancient Empire Walk

 Discovery Centre

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