Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 61: Middleton Beach Albany to Munglinup Rest Area.

Friday 24/08/2012 Day 61: Middleton Beach Albany to Munglinup Rest Area.

It rained early morning. When we woke up it was clear skies!! We packed slowly and left Albany. The GPS took us some back way along Lower King Rd through Collingwood Park out to the South Coast Hwy. We passed many Road-Trains today. There were many fields of Canola & we passed the Ravensthorpe Nickel Mine. We have stopped at Minglinup at a rest area opposite the roadhouse next to the South Coast Hwy. This is a perfect location for a school day. We went for a quick walk around & found wildflowers nearby. The children found 83 marbles scattered around the rest area. Cool through the night, Les heard the frogs & owl all night!

Daily Stats: Distance: 383km, Duration: 4hrs52min, Weather: Rain early, Fine & cold.

South Coast Hwy
 School work
 Cloudy Sunset
 Munglinup Roadhouse
Rest Area

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