Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 56: Wellington National Park to Forest Grove National Park.

Sunday 19/08/2012 Day 56: Wellington National Park to Forest Grove National Park.

We woke with a loud crash as a large branch fell down somewhere nearby. The kids slept through it! The 28’s turned up again looking for a handout. They knew we were suckers from yesterday. The ranger asked us not to feed them yesterday. The fog was so thick you couldn’t see the dam. We packed up and headed south along Sues Road (Built by BHP).The drive is windy & hilly but the bush was quiet pretty. The GPS took us along a single laneway through farmland in the middle of nowhere (Wright Rd), we thought what are we in for, again. The sky turned dark as a rain clouds came in from the south as we arrived at Chapman’s Pool. It was a race to get the van into our spot Camp Site #1. It was a tricky “right hand down reverse, and turn with it” but Amanda got us in. We put the van up in the rain which cleared when we finished. The kids abandoned homework to get a fire going. The timber was wet but they managed to get one started using Ryan’s favourite dead bracken. We dried some wood out using the steel plate. The kids had a semi-homework day, they have caught up with their daily diaries. Ryan tried fishing in Blackwood River, no bites. We are here with 4 other campers, 2 caravans, 1 tent & 1 Appolo Campervan. It’s a nice campground set in bush with individual camp sites, Amy counted 11 whilst she was borrowing wood.  Amanda had fun taking photos of the flowers around us. It feels warmer here?

Daily Stats: Distance: 179km, Duration: 2hrs40min, Weather: Fog, Sun, Rain, Cold

Goodbye 28's - stop pinching my breakfast.

 Forest Grove NP - Chapmans Pool

 Amanda's selection of flowers.

 Grass Tree
 3rd Fire.

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