Thursday 9 August 2012

Day 45: Galena Bridge (Murchison River) Rest Area to Fig Tree Crossing.

Wednesday 08/08/2012 Day 45: Galena Bridge (Murchison River) Rest Area to Fig Tree Crossing.

It was cool overnight. But at least it was sunny. Amy got a photo of a pair of Black Swans on the river. We slowly packed up and left mid-morning. The rest area emptied quickly there were only 3 left when we moved on. Amy said goodbye to her new friend from next door. The drive down to Northampton was all green, through pastures and cattle. We fuelled, gassed and got the cheapest bread at the IGA Northampton. Northampton is a nice stop. We turned towards the Chapman Valley and followed the scenic route to the free site. There were 10 vans here before we arrived. This site also has CCTV surveillance. We paid the voluntary $5.50 contribution to the upkeep of the rest area, I bet the grey nomads aren’t paying for the 5-10 days they stay here!. It was a very warm night in the van, the kids contributed to the hole in the ozone layer last night. It was 8 degrees inside the van overnight. It was definitely colder. We are nervous about heading South. We had a nice view of some flat topped hills and the long drop was hygienic. The pink disinfectant helps. Early to bed in readiness for the 05:30 start next morning for the windscreen appointment in Geraldton.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 113km, Duration: 2hrs15min, Weather: Sunny, Breezy, Night Cool

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