Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 62: Munglinup Rest Area to Seafront Caravan Park Esperance.

Saturday 25/08/2012 Day 62: Munglinup Rest Area to Seafront Caravan Park Esperance.

Well finally a night without rain. It was clear skies and we set off in a casual fashion for the short drive to Esperance. We passed the many fields of yellow flowers and cows and sheep. We arrived at Esperance and set up quickly at the Caravan Park. We had morning tea and then off to explore Town. We topped up at the Shell Coles Express (8 cents off with a shopping voucher from Perth) – only took 73ltrs + 1 20ltr Jerry Can! Ryan asked at the Southern Sports & Tackle shop about local fishing spots. We then had lunch and off along the majestic Great Ocean Drive. There are many beaches to see including Les’s favourite. The pink lake was “nearly pink”. We then took advantage of the car wash bay at the Caravan Park and cleaned up the Pajero (last wash was at Katherine). Ryan & Les went for a fish at Bandy Creek Harbour. They picked up a King George Whiting (Ryan let it go back!), Luderick & Skip Jack Trevally. The dolphins came in and nailed all the spare fish right in front of us. We had tea and Ryan & Les tried to catch squid of Tanker Jetty. They were startled by Sammy the Seal who is actually a sea-lion! He was much bigger and scarier in the dark, heading for his bed. They crept back past him to the car and called it a night.

Daily Stats: Distance: 109km, Duration: 1hrs15min, Weather: Fine, Windy & cold.

Munglinup in the Morning!

 Seafront Caravan Park Esperance
 QR National Train at the Port
 Great Ocean Drive

 Les's favourite Beach
 "Nearly Pink" Lake
 Ryan's Fish from Bandy Creek Harbour

1 comment:

  1. 'Sammy the seal'?!?

    Loved the photograph of Les and the sign! :-)
