Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 57: Tourist Day Forest Grove National Park.

Monday 20/08/2012 Day 57: Tourist Day Forest Grove National Park.

A warmer night with gentle rain or are we getting acclimatised? Quick breakfast and we were off to Augusta. It rained and blew as we passed through to Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse. We paid the entrance fee and braved the wind and rain to see where the Southern & Indian Oceans meet. It was cold. We picked up hot drinks and moved on to the Old Water Wheel, Ryan braved the elements to take the photos as we supported him from the car! We topped up fuel and drove onto Jewel Cave. This is worth every cent. The guided tour lasts 1 hour and time flies as you move around the staircases. It was dry and a nice constant 17degrees underground. The kids learnt the difference between a Stalactite and Stalagmite. They also got to see tree roots, a ring-tail possum skeleton and learnt that 5 Tasmanian Tigers skeletons have been identified in this cave. We then went to Margaret River which was spoilt by the rain. We did a quick lap of the main street, visited the Old Lolly Shoppe & Fudge Factory. We ate in the car next to a brook & planned the next week. The National parks don’t have Internet Coverage. The kids managed to start a fire in the rain. The afternoon has become a school day because of the weather.

Daily Stats: Distance: 81km, Duration: 6hrs30min, Weather: Rain, Windy & Cold.

Cape Leeuwin

 Water Wheel

 Jewel Cave

 Margaret River
 Too Wet!

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