Monday 6 August 2012

Day 43: Tourist Day Denham, Monkey Mia.

Monday 06/08/2012 Day 43: Tourist Day Denham, Monkey Mia.

It was warm overnight. There was less condensation on the car and inside the van. Crack has only moved 0.25cm overnight. Heard the neighbours watching the Olympics during the night! We were up early to get to Monkey Mia, we left at 06:45 and drove into the rising sun!. We Just missed a wallaby about ½ half way there. I was only doing 60km just in case. Don’t miss the DEC girl with the big smile when getting your day pass at Monkey Mia. We had to wait for the dolphin’s they don’t work to a script. We never got picked to feed them but it was exciting nonetheless. The pelican interaction with the staff is very funny – look out for the “yellow bucket”. Got back to Caravan Park and the backpackers have moved on. We went for a walk around town and amy posted a postcard. No diesel for sale at present. Had lunch and prepared our winter clothes for heading south into some wet weather. Ryan & Les fished the mouth of Little Lagoon, while Amy &Amanda explored Little Lagoon. Amanda & Amy  went back to Town Beach and Amanda practiced her 4WD skills, they also visited the Shark Bay School. . Amanda got chatted up getting fuel by the 4 gentleman  in the shop. They liked her sun smart pink shirt because it helps to sell sunglasses. Ryan had a final fish this evening at the Jetty where there was a school of 2000 baitfish swimming around under the streetlights. Ryan was unable to catch the squid, it evaded him. Denham is beautiful sleepy town.

 Daily Stats: Distance: 101km, Duration: 8hrs0min, Weather: Cool early Wind dropped off, Night Mild

Monkey Mia

 View from Caravan
 View from Town Beach
 Little Lagoon

1 comment:

  1. - They liked her sun smart pink shirt because it helps to sell sunglasses.


