Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 63: Tourist Day Esperance.

Sunday 26/08/2012 Day 63: Tourist Day Esperance.

Well another night without rain. It was cool this morning as we caught up on some laundry; this was the cheapest of all washing machines so far at $2 per load. We packed lunch and headed off to Cape Le Grand National Park. We visited Rossiter Bay, Lucky Bay, Thistle Cove & Hellfire Bay where we had lunch & Ryan caught a tiny flathead. We went up to Frenchman Peak and finished off the NP at Cape Le Grand Beach. The beaches were all spectacular, Rossiter Bay’s sand was like coarse salt & Lucky Bay’s sand was like fine powder and squeaked as you walked on it. The wildflowers were all on display. And the water was turquoise on top of the white, white sand. We went and had a look at the Eastern side of Bandy Creek Harbour and then strolled along Tanker Jetty where Sammy was frolicking in the water begging for bait scraps. The wind changed from an Easterly to a Westerly as we walked along the Jetty and it nearly blew us off. We came back to the caravan park organised the next few days and then took Ryan & Les fishing back to Bandy Creek Harbour. Amy & Amanda were hoping to see the Dolphins but they must have eaten all the fish yesterday.

Daily Stats: Distance: 255km, Duration: 7hrs0min, Weather: Fine, Windy & cold.

Cape Le Grand National Park
Rossiter Bay

 Lucky Bay

 Thistle Cove

 Frenchman Peak

 Hellfire Bay

 Tanker Jetty - Sammy the Sealion

 Bandy Creek Harbour - Western Side
 Sunset at Bandy Creek

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