Tuesday 28 August 2012

Day 65: Tourist Day Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Tuesday 28/08/2012 Day 65: Tourist Day Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Amanda & Amy dropped Ryan & Les off at the tour place on Hannan St Kalgoorlie at 09:00. They then caught up on groceries & laundry. Ryan & Les spent 2 ½ hours inside the KCGM Mine. It was a happy Father’s day present for Les. We then grabbed lunch at “chicken treat” and headed off to watch the 1PM mine blast at Trafalgar. Amy was disappointed with the size of the controlled blast. The kids expected something a lot bigger and were surprised at the lack of noise and minimal size of the dust cloud. We then headed down to Burt St and visited the KCGM Shop to look at the 3D model of the final size of the Superpit in 2021. Amanda and Les visited the Metropole Hotel and got to see the mine shaft under the public bar. Amanda dropped some loose change down the pipe into the Miners bucket for the “old bastards charity”. We had a quick look inside the Boulder Town Hall. We then went through the West Australian Museum on Hannan St. Amanda enjoyed the photo of the “first bathers club” from the late 1800’s. We have enjoyed walking up & down Hannan St Kalgoorlie & Burt St Boulder. The aftermath of the April 20th 2010 earthquake can still be seen by the scaffolding and cracks in the buildings. Kalgoorlie & Boulder are very clean & tidy towns.

Daily Stats: Distance: 67km, Duration: 7hrs30min, Weather: Fine, Windy & Warm.

View from Public Lookout at Controlled Explosion.

 Metropole Hotel
 Boulder Town Hall

 West Australian Museum

 Discovery Caravan Park Boulder

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